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We Are Your Tribal Energy Champions

Extending Your Energy Sovereignty

Colusa Indian Energy is a Tribal owned corporation that brings decades of experience in the energy industry to your project. Specializing in identifying and applying for grant funding opportunities, turnkey EPC energy project services, and long term operations, Colusa Indian Energy aims to electrify Indian Country, provide reliable and affordable alternatives to the big utilities, and promote the use of green technologies.

⚡️ Tribal energy independence

⚡️ micro-grid construction & operation

⚡️ energy efficiency projects

⚡️ renewable power

⚡️ engineering

⚡️ cogeneration for casinos, reservation housing, cannabis, and more

Top Rated

Colusa Indian Energy stands out as the top-rated Tribal energy company due to its unwavering commitment to sustainability, innovation, and community engagement. With a strategic focus on harnessing clean and efficient energy sources, such as solar, wind, and CHP power, the company has not only significantly reduced carbon emissions but has also paved the way for a greener future.

Investing In Us

Colusa's consistent investment in cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure has ensured the most reliable supply of energy to its customers. Moreover, the company's proactive involvement in Tribal communities, through educational initiatives and partnerships, demonstrates its dedication to fostering a broader understanding of energy needs across Indian Country.

Industry Leaders

Combining environmental responsibility, technological advancement, and Tribal community empowerment, Colusa Indian Energy is at the forefront of the Tribal energy sector.

Personalized Solutions

At our Tribally owned energy company, we take pride in offering personalized solutions that cater to the unique needs and values of each customer. By collaborating closely with our clients, we design and implement sustainable energy plans that not only harness the power of nature but also respect and honor the cultural heritage of your Tribe. 


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Leadership Team

Operations Team

Solar Projects Team

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